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Do fabrics have a vibrational frequency?

 We believe the cloths we wear are an extension of our bodies and the fibers they are made from can impact how we feel and our health. So when we came upon a study by Dr. Heidi Yellen on Fabric Vibrations we had to take a closer look.  

Her study suggests that the fibers in our clothing influence our wellbeing and ability to heal. Grounded in bioenergetics, the study reveals that everything vibrates at its own unique frequency. Yellen found that everything, including fabrics, have a unique vibrational signature that can influence our energy. 

In 2003, her research project focused on the vibrations of textiles. Dr. Yellen was intrigued by the Torah's instructions regarding the preferred use of specific fabrics over others, including the prohibition against wearing wool and linen simultaneously. Although her fabric frequency research is not universally acknowledged by the scientific community, it revealed some intriguing (and perhaps not unexpected) findings.

What was the methodology of the study?

Everything in the universe, from the food we eat to the air we breath, is composed of atoms that vibrate at different speeds. This vibration is what we refer to as frequency. Although a large part of these frequencies lies beyond the scope of human perception, frequencies can be measured and scientifically verified.

The technical aspects of the study on the vibration frequencies of fabrics are as follows: The measurements were carried out in angstroms (m), utilizing a digital device known as an Ag-Environ machine. This device was originally intended to identify the unique vibration signatures of agricultural products, aiding farmers in deciding the optimal time for harvesting or planting but was also applied to other objects.

The device indicated that the human body's vibration range is between 70-100m (in individuals with health conditions, this range may decrease to below 50m). Dr. Yellen hypothesized that fabrics with a vibration frequency higher than this range are advantageous to human vitality and healing, whereas those with a lower frequency may contribute to or exacerbate illness.

Which fabrics are considered to have a high frequency?

1. Linen and Wool took top ranking: 5000
Research conducted by Dr. Yellen revealed that both linen and wool share a frequency of 5000. That's a significant boost compared to a healthy human at 100. Strangely, when a body wore both Linen and Wool at the same time, the frequency went to zero. This was the reference in the Torah that sparked the entire study: it says not to wear linen with wool.

2. Hemp - best guess somewhere around 100 - 5000
Many online articles suggest that "hemp has a lower vibration than linen," but I couldn't locate any evidence of Dr. Yellen conducting any measurements on hemp. However, when you compare the characteristics of linen to hemp, it's clear that hemp shares many of the same qualities as linen, leading us to believe they would be similar! Like linen, hemp does not carry a static charge, making it a grounding choice to wear. Hemp is also resistant to UV rays, just like linen. Both hemp and linen are resistant to bacteria and mold.

3. Organic Cotton - 100
It’s neutral (or beneficial depending on illness levels). The perfect blending material for other fabrics, organic cotton came in at 100, pretty much in tune with the human body. This makes it a nearly perfect match for human skin. Organic cotton is also superior to non-organic cotton, which was found to have a frequency of only 40.

4. Silk - 10
Remarkably, Silk Fabric only Scored 10. Despite this, there was speculation that the low frequency of silk might be attributed to contemporary manufacturing methods. Traditionally, silk was produced naturally, so my guess is Ahimsa (Peace Silk) and Raw Silk would have a higher score.

5. Rayon - 15 
Rayon is created by breaking down natural fibers and utilizing chemicals in the viscose process, received a low rating for their frequency.

6. Polyester, Bamboo, Acrylic, Spandex, Lycra, Viscose, and Nylon - O
These materials are devoid of any frequency, urging us to stay away from them or only in small amounts. Moreover, these synthetics are detrimental to the environment, can cause undesirable odors, and do not regulate temperature.

Choose Organic Natural Fabrics for the highest Vibrations!!

The findings suggests a relationship between fabric frequencies and human health. High-frequency fabrics like linen, hemp, organic cotton and wool increase our balance energy, while low-frequency synthetics might drain it. This interplay invites us to consider the materials we wear and their impact on our energy and wellbeing.

Which Fabric is the leader in Sustainability and High Frequency?

Hemp is the stand out winner of all natural fibers!!! Firstly, hemp plants require less water and fewer pesticides and herbicides to grow compared to linen and cotton, making it a more environmentally friendly option. Additionally, hemp plants have a fast growth rate and high yield, meaning they can be harvested more frequently and produce more fibre per acre than linen plants. This makes hemp a more efficient and sustainable crop. Furthermore, hemp fibers are stronger, longer and more durable than linen fibers, resulting in longer-lasting products that do not require frequent replacement. Overall, the cultivation and utilization of hemp have a lower impact on the environment and offer greater long-term sustainability when compared to linen and other natural fabrics. This combined with its High Frequency makes it our top choice if you're looking for sustainability and High vibrations.