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We're happy to provide the service of overdyes! When requesting a garment overdye, please review this list of colors that are possible to dye over your garment's original color.  You can also choose an overdye in the same color as originally dyed to create a darker/deeper variation of that color. 

Important notes on overdyes. Over-dyeing your garment with another color will create a unique color that combines the first color as a base tone to the new overdye color. Garments that have been stained or washed with wax based detergents can produce variations in the way the fiber will take the dye. In our experience detergents and fabric softeners with a waxy base such as soap nuts can create resist for color uptake and leave lighter spots when overdyed. Also stains from food or beauty products that may no longer be visible can re-appear after an overdye process. Garments that have been stain with bleach or something that removed the color will take the dye lighter in the stained area while the unstained area will dye darker,

ORIGINAL GARMENT COLOR - possible overdye color options.

NATURAL - wheat, squash, terra-cotta, chocolate, cacao, mustard, raisin, red, olive, spinach, seafoam, raincloud, bluebird, sky, eggplant, grey, sapphire, midnight

WHEAT -  squash, terra-cotta, chocolate, cacao, mustard, raisin, red, olive, spinach, seafoam, raincloud, bluebird, eggplant, grey, sapphire, midnight

SQUASH -  terra-cotta, chocolate, cacao, raisin, red, sapphire, midnight

BLUSH - terra-cotta, cacao, raisin, red, eggplant, sapphire, midnight

TERRA-COTTA - chocolate, cacao, red, midnight

CHOCOLATE - terra-cotta, cacao, red, midnight

MUSTARD - squash, terra-cotta, chocolate, cacao, olive, spinach, midnight

RAISIN -  cacao, red, eggplant, midnight

RED - cacao, midnight

CACAO -  midnight

OLIVE -  raincloud, cacao, sapphire, midnight

SPINACH -  cacao, olive, seafoam, raincloud, sapphire, midnight

SEAFOAM - cacao,  raincloud, bluebird, sapphire, midnight

RAINCLOUD - cacao, olive, bluebird, sapphire, midnight

BLUEBIRD - cacao, sapphire, midnight

SKY - cacao, olive, seafoam, raincloud, bluebird, eggplant, grey, sapphire, midnight

EGGPLANT -  cacao, midnight

GREY -  cacao, raincloud, bluebird, eggplant, sapphire, midnight

MIDNIGHT - midnight for even darker midnight

ROSE - squash, terra-cotta, chocolate, cacao, raisin, red, olive, seafoam, raincloud, bluebird, eggplant, grey, sapphire, midnight

SUNSHINE - squash, terra-cotta, chocolate, cacao, mustard, raisin, red, olive, spinach, seafoam, raincloud, bluebird, eggplant, grey, sapphire, midnight

INDIGO - cacao, raincloud, bluebird, eggplant, grey, sapphire, midnight

SANDALWOOD - squash, terra-cotta, chocolate, cacao, mustard, raisin, red, olive, spinach, seafoam, raincloud, bluebird, eggplant, grey, sapphire, midnight

FOX - Red, Terra-cotta, Cacao, sapphire, Midnight

POPPY - Red, Terra-cotta, Cacao, Midnight

AMETHYST - Eggplant, sapphire, Midnight

POMEGRANATE - squash, terra-cotta, chocolate, cacao, mustard, raisin, red, olive, spinach, seafoam, raincloud, bluebird, eggplant, grey, sapphire, midnight

PEWTER - cacao, raincloud, bluebird, eggplant, sapphire, midnight

SAGE - cacao, olive, seafoam, raincloud, bluebird, sapphire, midnight

SEAGLASS - cacao, olive, seafoam, raincloud, bluebird, sapphire, midnight